During this “winter that would not end,” I was cleaning out my archives and uncovered a sports magazine from nine years ago – and proceeded to settle into my recliner to relive an epic moment in baseball history.

The 2012 World Series had once again proven to be a riveting display of ambition and athleticism, as the Tigers and Giants combined for several heart-stopping moments in what has become a contest for the ages.  Powering the Detroit squad into the post season was the most feared one-two combination in baseball in the form of Prince Fielder and Miguel Cabrera, whose offensive punch in the heart of the Tiger’s lineup combined to propel them through the playoffs and into the Fall Classic.

While Prince Fielder was famous as much for his tape-measure waistline as his tape-measure homers, Cabrera aligned his name with baseball royalty in the stat column, and though not a prince, Cabrera was awarded baseball’s Triple Crown, having led the America League in home runs, RBIs, and batting average – the first such accomplishment since Carl Yastrzemski in 1967.  However, what was interesting about both Prince Fielder and Miguel Cabrera was that they both had a swing coach.  Why?  Because as good as they were, they want to get even better (particularly after their quiet World Series showing).

Up Your Game

Like professional athletes at the top of their game, ambitious small business owners will never be satisfied until a culture of excellence has permeated every corner and crevice of their organization. Entrepreneurs as a rule have an innate ability to grow and adapt to a variety of changing circumstances, and this versatility is reflected in the success of their emerging firms as they transition from a sole proprietorship, to a handful of loyal followers, and then to an expanding staff of 20-200 employees.  However, even the most confident and ambitious leaders often get to the point when they realize there are things they could be doing better – or in extreme situations – realize they’re in over their head.   When owners find themselves in this situation, their fortunes can quickly go from bad to worse because they need battle-tested wisdom, but don’t know where to turn, and nowhere is this more critical than when it comes time to exit.

Whom Can You Trust?

Today’s small business owners are increasing finding themselves in a vulnerable position when they reach their final stage of evolution/exit, because while they are still directly responsible for successful outcomes and the performance of the firm as a whole, they are also increasingly reliant on their subordinates to execute the tasks necessary to achieve these goals.  Compounding the problem for business owners is the fact that – because of their position and the dynamics of their organizational hierarchy – it’s difficult to find anyone within their firm to consult with for an expert, objective, and informed assessment of what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. For example, having a CEO ask his VP of Marketing, “How are we doing with social media?” is like asking Bernie Sanders if he thinks there’s climate change – the response is bound to be impassioned, but inherently subject to a severe conflict of interest.  That’s where we come in.

Dreamriver Group: Your Leadership Swing Coach

For progressive enterprises and executives ready to professionalize their firm in preparation for exit, Dreamriver provides a rare asset that is becoming increasingly valuable because it is in such supply these days – the truth.  The business owners that confide in us voice one simple request, “Give me the facts, and give them to me straight.” You want the truth regarding your operational infrastructure, revenue growth opportunities, personnel hierarchy, and estimated valuation, and that’s what we’ll give you. Our greatest value to leaders like you is to cut through the clutter and hype and tell it to you straight. We’ll work with you to evaluate your organizational universe from top to bottom using the proprietary Value Builder System to give you the good, bad, and ugly – along with the science and stats to back it up – and finally the steps and recommendations on how to modify or improve your efforts for maximum impact.  Through our certification via the Value Builder organization, we have direct access to a nationwide brain-trust of industry best practices and supporting instructional modules to guide you every step of the way – all designed to maximize your valuation and up your multiple at sale.

The Bottom Line

For a hitter, having an effective swing can be the difference between playing in the majors and languishing in the minors, which is why swing coaches are so important.  For business owners, having the tools and the talent are no longer enough – you need to know how to use them.  The Dreamriver Group continues to earn the trust of business owners by consistently delivering the solutions, expertise, and thought leadership which helps leaders curate and streamline their companies, while equipping them with the tools and techniques for maximizing their valuation in the eyes of potential buyers.  Contact us today for a free Value Builder Assessment.